Visiting Concerts
The Bucheon City Arts Group performs Visiting Concerts for people who don’t have access to culture and performance venues, in places such as social welfare facilities and hospitals. Please refer to the information below if you are an institution or a group who wishes to sign up for a Visiting Concert during 2020. The performance date will be selected under mutual consent based on the requested group’s (Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra, Bucheon Civic Chorale) schedule. The Visiting Concert can only be held when the concert date doesn’t coincide with rehearsal or other concert dates.
- Selection Criteria
- People who are in facilities with limited access to culture and performance venues, such as social welfare facilities (e.g., seniors welfare center, welfare center for the disabled), hospitals and more
- Situations that the Visiting Concert can’t happen
- Events such as graduation ceremonies or entrance ceremonies or family events
- Personal events for a specified individual or events with a special purpose (e.g. political events)
- Promotional or social events for a specific group or institution
- Visiting Concert requests that seem to directly or indirectly advertise a specific company
- Other Visiting Concert requests that go against the public interest
- Performing Periods
- 1st Half: 2020.1 – 2020. 06
- 2nd Half: 2020. 7 – 2020.12
- Application Deadline
- Application period: 2019. 12. 02 (Mon) – 2019. 12. 27. (Fri)
- The applications are received separately for the first and second half of the year, and only one performance can be held per year.
- Applications must be submitted within the application period
- An on-site inspection is necessary before confirming the Visiting Concert
- How to Apply
- Send the completed application form to the Bucheon City Arts Group administration office’s email
(Kim Hyun-ji : - Inquiries
- +82 (0)32-327-7523
- Application Fee
- None. ※If the acoustics and instrument facilities are insufficient, it is recommended to rent related equipment
- Program
- Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra: chamber music performance (e.g. string quartet, bass quintet, woodwind quintet)
- Bucheon Civic Chorale: the program will be selected based on the requested group’s characteristics