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Reservation Instructions

Cancellation/Refund Policies

  • Online reservations can be cancelled online and phone reservations can be cancelled via phone calls.
  • Reservations cannot be cancelled on the day of the concert.
  • Package reservations can only be cancelled until 6PM, one day before the first concert’s date.
    (Package reservations cannot be cancelled once the first concert has started.)
Cancellation Fees
  • 10 days before the concert: full refund
  • 9 days before the concert: 90% refund
  • Cancellations made on the day of the payment: full refund

(Fair Trade Commission Notice 2014-14)

Cancellation and Refund Procedures
Credit Cards
  • Cancellations before the cancellation fees are imposed: full credit card payment is cancelled
  • Cancellations after the cancellation fees are imposed: refunds are made via bank account, minus the 10% charge
Virtual Bank Accounts (Bank Transfers)
  • Cancellations before the cancellation fees are imposed: full refund via bank account
  • Cancellations after the cancellation fees are charged: refunds are made via bank account, minus the 10% charge

The account holders and the ticket buyer’s name must match when refunds are made via bank account.

  • Tickets received via mail can only be cancelled and refunded when they are returned at least one day before the concert.
  • Cancellation procedures can be undertaken more swiftly when you send us the ticket buyer’s phone number and the bank account to receive the refund to when returning the ticket.
  • Cancellations and/or refunds aren’t possible if the ticket is misplaced or damaged.
  • Tickets cannot be exchanged for another concert or seat once they are bought. You must cancel the ticket and re-purchase it.